The Star, Malaysia’s leading English daily, ran a story to report about the recent MAA Education Series event titled “Driving Growth via Customer Data & AI-driven Personalization in the Omnichannel World.”
This event was a collaboration among the Malaysian Advertisers Association (MAA), Antsomi and Infobip. It was organised by MAA and hosted by Antsomi and Infobip.
The MAA stand at the forefront of the Malaysian marketing and advertising landscape, championing the interests of a diverse spectrum of brand owners, and acting as a unified voice for the industry. In a role that extends beyond representation; the MAA are co-architects of the advertising standards and regulatory practices in Malaysia, engaging actively with government bodies, advocating for member interests, industry-wide issues, as well as addressing critical agendas like media transparency and curating a conducive environment for businesses and brands in Malaysia to thrive.
Antsomi is a regional marketing technology company building an AI-enabled customer data platform (CDP) named CDP 365, empowering businesses to harness the power of customer data for enhanced personalization and engagement across various channels.
Infobip is a global cloud communications platform that enables businesses to build connected experiences across all stages of the customer journey.
Please check out more details about the event in this blog post by Antsomi.
Below is the full image of the article: